Projekt E4E - Education for Equality - Going beyond gender stereotypes

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Main objectives of the project
  • Spreading a culture of gender equality and support the overcoming of gender stereotypes by developing tools and methods for the educational system and institutions
  • The project will refer to gender stereotypes related to different family contexts, such as family with parents, single parenting, gay parents, migrants.

Specific objectives
  • Exchange of good practices among the project partners in relation to the spread of a culture of gender and to overcoming gender stereotypes
  • To promote innovative learning approaches that focus on the gender culture and overcoming gender stereotypes, taking particular account of the development of transversal key competences for children
  • To train kindergarten and primary school teachers for the implementation of the project methodology
  • Test the project methodology with the children, aged 3-6 and 6-8 years through Creative Labs
  • To develop methods and tools for the evaluation of the key skills acquired by children and after the test phases
  • Facilitate the dissemination and sustainability of project results involving the policy makers at national and EU level.
Kick-Off Meeting
first partners meeting

Florence, 2016.12.14 and 15

Second partners meeting
2017.04.26 and 27

DISCLAIMER - Il presente progetto è finanziato con il sosntegno della Commissione Europea. L'autore è il solo responsabile delle pubblicazioni e la Commissione declina ogni responsabilità sull'uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in esso contenute.
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Web Design by Barbara Del Tozzotto per Teseo
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